Conservation & Nature
The Conservation and Nature Committee’s goals are to inform our members of good conservation practices they can use in their homes and gardens and share with others. The committee updates members on federal, state and local environmental legislation and issues that affect our natural resources so that we can better protect and improve our environment.
Links to NJ Conservation Organizations
New Jersey Highlands Coalition: protects, enhances and promotes vital water and other resources of the New Jersey Highlands.
Land Conservancy of New Jersey: contributes to the preservation of land and water resources by working directly with individuals and communities.
North Jersey Butterfly Club: the New Jersey chapter of NABA – North American Butterfly Association. How to create a butterfly garden. Places to see NJ butterflies. Photos. Species accounts.
Native Plant Society of New Jersey: dedicated to the appreciation, protection, and study of the native flora of New Jersey. List of plants, shrubs and trees native to Morris County. Lists of invasive plants. Seasonal photo galleries. Native plant articles.
Sierra Club of New Jersey: a chapter of the Sierra Club that works to educate the public and act as an advocate to help protect and restore natural environments
New Jersey Conservation Foundation: keeps the public up to date on issues that impact New Jersey’s natural resources and acts as an advocate in the preservation of these natural resources.
Pinelands Preservation Alliance: helps to protect, preserve and explore the Pine Barrens by providing the public with the history, ecology, programs and recreational opportunities.
Ocean Conservancy (New Jersey Blog): works globally and locally to protect our oceans through science-based solutions.
Downloads/ Videos
Big Tree Report
In 2010, as part of the Club’s "Living Green" objectives, we updated and expanded the earlier report entitled "Come hug a tree with us; Big, interesting and historic trees, Boonton Township area". It's filled with photos and descriptions of the area’s native trees and their importance to our well-being. The report is available for downloading on the Rutger’s website by clicking the photo.
Native Plants
How to choose non-invasive, regionally appropriate plants. University of Delaware publication advocating native plants over invasives with specific suggestions. The native plants that grow in Delaware will grow in NJ and the same invasive plants are a problem in NJ.
New Jersey Highlands - Native Plants and their Habitats
This video features 150 native plants of the more than 1,000 species found in the Highlands. The habitats of these plants, their forests & waterway, are an essential source of drinking water for 50% of the State’s population. Presented by the Upper Rockaway River Watershed Association & Rockaway Valley Garden Club. Photos by Diane Nelson & Walter Burchardt. Narration by Diane Nelson.
The Rockaway River Fights for Its Future
From Skylands Visitor, Fall 2002