Youth Programs
The Youth committee’s goal is to introduce the joys of gardening to children. We often work with a nearby elementary school as well as scouting groups. A big focus of the committee is the Rockaway Valley School Community Garden.
Students start vegetable seeds in the classroom and taught planting principles for transplants and direct seeding.
Harvested produce has been enjoyed by kindergarteners for a “salad tasting” as well as given to local food banks.
Committee members have guided smaller groups in taking cuttings, bulb planting, composting, and potting tree seedlings for home planting.
At the school’s Green Day, garden club members have read stories about nature to younger students, led nature walks and lessons.
At the holidays, club members have assisted kindergarten students with an herbal craft.
The Youth Committee also led some nature/garden games at the club’s booth at Boonton and Boonton Township Days.